
House of Cards

Have you checked on your 401K lately?

What a week for John McCain.  Following the debacle of previous weeks in which he claimed the fundamentals of the economy were sound, six hours before declaring the fundamentals of the economy were in crisis, two hours before declaring he was actually referring to the American worker, McCain began this past week determined to overcome his admitted weakness with regard to the economy.  Attempting to jolt himself out of a post-Lehman Bros. poll slump, he announced Tuesday afternoon – much to the dismay and agitation of David Letterman whose show he was scheduled to appear on – that he would be suspending his campaign and returning to Washington to inject himself into the negotiations on the 700 billion dollar bailout package.  He felt this mission was so important, he informed the public he would not appear at the first scheduled debate with Senator Obama that Friday night unless a solution to the crisis had been reached.  So, McCain rode into D.C. on his white horse (of conquest?), called a few Senators and Congressmen on the phone, proclaimed he was putting his country ahead of his personal ambition (nudge nudge wink wink), accomplished absolutely nothing, and despite repeated declarations that he wouldn’t, showed up for the debate Friday night anyhow.  His campaign released commercials in battleground states claiming he won the debate – on Friday morning, ten hours before the debate had actually taken place.  On Thursday his campaign suggested that perhaps the Friday’s debate should have been rescheduled for October 2, and the vice presidential debate scheduled for that evening be postponed indefinitely.  (The reasons for that became painfully clear when the video of running mate Sarah Palin’s interview with Katie Couric hit the rest of the media.)  Learning nothing from those missteps, McCain announced Monday morning that he was responsible for a new and improved bailout package that now had the votes to get through Congress.  That afternoon, the McCain-brokered bailout package went down in flames on the floor of the House.  So he blamed Obama for the failure.  Maybe he just didn’t remember that Obama isn’t actually a member of the House of Representatives.

John McCain is an impulsive man.  He runs almost entirely on instinct, putting little thought into his decisions and giving little thought to them afterward.  He has admitted as much in his biography.  It should be obvious now – if it wasn’t ten days ago – that a quickly-made decision is not necessarily a good one.  The guy who raises his hand first doesn't always have the right answer.

As previously mentioned, the first presidential debate took place last Friday on the campus of the University of Mississippi. After viewing much of it and reviewing as much commentary as I could stomach, it seems like it was pretty much a wash. McCain was his typical combative, indignant self, while Obama was cool and even-keeled as usual.  But in a national security debate, a draw is somewhat of a win for Obama.  In this case, McCain seems to be a victim of expectations.  National security is supposed to be his wheelhouse, his area of expertise.  He was expected to get up on that stage and blow Obama away. Instead, Barack Obama stood face to face (sort of) with his opponent and looked like he belonged on the platform with him. Snap polls taken after the debate by CNN and CBS indicated that the undecided voters polled felt Obama outperformed McCain in every category but one – he didn’t attack McCain as much as McCain attacked him.  Those results translated to only a slight up-tick in the polls, but with less than five weeks to go, any increase at all could prove significant.

Is it me, or did John McCain fail to look Barack Obama in the eye even once during that entire 90-minute debate? Why?

If you as an interviewee can make Katie Couric look like Bill O’Reilly, you’re doing something terribly wrong.  Sarah Palin sat down for only her third media interview last week with CBS Evening News. In spite of all the blather about her experience and public speaking ability, Couric might as well have been interviewing Tickle-Me Elmo. Seriously. Elmo would have been more coherent.

As tempting as it is, I’m not going to turn the remainder of this column into a Palin-bashing session. But is it personally offensive to me that the Republican Party would nominate this candidate and try to sell her to the American people as more experienced, more intelligent and more prepared to lead this country than a self-made Harvard graduate. They should all be embarrassed.

In a related story, McCain spent many hours last week conferring with Mitt Romney about the economic crisis. If only he had the opportunity to put someone like Romney on the ticket, someone capable of speaking about economics in complete, coherent sentences featuring nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives and punctuation. Oh wait, he did have that opportunity. My bad.

On Monday, the Ohio state Supreme Court and two federal judges upheld a ruling by the Secretary of State that allows new voters to both register and cast an absentee ballot on the same day between September 30, the first day of early voting, and October 6, the deadline for voter registration. The state Republican Party asked the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn the decision on the grounds that it violated Ohio law and invited voter fraud. Of course, while they were arguing this before the court, they were also encouraging first-time voters to register Republican and cast an absentee ballot for John Mccain on the same day. Even though it was illegal and invited voter fraud. Wrap your head around that one.

A report issued by the Justice Department’s Inspector General yesterday detailed widespread politicization of the Justice Department under the leadership - or lack thereof - of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, all in direct violation of the department’s policies and civil service laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring based on political or ideological affiliation. Right. Next they’ll try to tell me Clay Aiken is gay. Seriously, how did we get to this point? Doesn’t it bother anyone that the highest law enforcement office in the country was turned into a punch-line for late-night comedians? For all his failures, Gonzalez did succeed at one thing. He somehow managed to make people forget all about Janet Reno.

Behold another tidbit of useless information. The official inflation rate of Zimbabwe is 11.2 million percent. That is not a misprint. So, if you had $11 million today, next September - assuming that rate remained steady, you would be $200,000 in debt. At what point do you just scrap the entire system and start over?

My NFL thoughts for Week 4.

Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis finally did what he’s been wanting to do for six months and fired his head coach, replacing him with some guy named Tom. Anyone who’s seen a press conference with former coach Lane Kiffin over the past four weeks knows he’s basically been trying to get himself fired. During the off-season he discovered that he as the head coach had absolutely no control over his staff or his team. But he was determined to make Davis get up in front of a camera in his ridiculous sparkling velvet track suit and explain that to everyone else. Maybe Mike Shanahan is looking for an Al Davis castaway to sit on the sidelines with him and pout.

The 0-4 St. Louis Rams also fired their coach Monday morning, replacing him with their defensive coordinator. Unfortunately, their defensive coordinator used to be the head coach of the previously hapless New Orleans Saints, who under his leadership never had a winning record. Seems a little like plugging the cracks in the dam with chewing gum.

At 39 years-of-age, Brett Favre did something he’s never done before. And at that age you don’t get to say that very often. Favre threw six touchdown passes in 30 minutes of football on Sunday, leading the New York Jets to a 56-35 victory over the Cardinals and my fantasy team to an 0-4 start. Damn you Brett Favre! Damn you!

Even the Chiefs are doing better than I am. How lame is that? Did the Broncos even field a defense on Sunday?

Dallas fell to Washington Sunday evening, sparking complaints from pro bowl wide receiver diva, prima donna and all-round pain in the butt, Terrell Owens. Despite being the target of approximately 1/3 of the Cowboys offensive plays, Owens complained to his quarterback, his coaches and to the media that he didn’t like the play selection and wasn’t getting the ball enough. Romo was too busy making out with Jessica Simpson to pay him any attention, but the media gave him all the time he wanted. Give them a couple more losses and watch how fast Romo becomes Donovan McNabb and the Cowboys turn into the 2005 Eagles.

In spite of themselves, the Chicago Bears are pretty good.

My Superbowl picks for Week 4: Dallas Cowboys vs. Tennessee Titans.

In lighter news this week, seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong has decided he really doesn’t like sitting on his couch collecting money from his Live Strong bracelet empire. So, he’s gong back to cycling. In fact, he plans to make a run at another Tour de France riding for a team from Kazakhstan. I’m sure there’s a joke here somewhere, but I doubt I can pronounce it.

Police were called to a Philadelphia Phillies game on a report of suspicious objects some people thought were pipe bombs. Turns out they were actually hot dogs wrapped in duct tape, designed to be fired from a hot dog cannon into the crowd by the Phillies mascot. Wow. First burritos mistaken for shotguns, now hot dogs mistaken for pipe bombs. Do we need any more evidence that portion sizes are out of control in this country?

Finally, refusing to outdone by a B-list star like Clay Aiken, Lindsay Lohan revealed the second-worst-kept secret in America. That’s right guys, Lindsay likes the ladies. Older women at that. For those of you who don’t know, Lohan has been dating 31-year-old DJ Samantha Ronson (nine years her senior) for some time now. Lindsay has reportedly engaged in drunken jealous screaming matches with one of the Olsen twins over Ronson, while Ronson appears to have purchased Lohan a $22,000 diamond ring for her birthday. I hope Miley Cyrus is paying very close attention to all this. She’s looking at herself in the mirror six years from now.

Financial crisis wisdom of the week:
Vote for the guy with one house. If he loses it, he’ll be homeless.
- Chris Rock


Kristina said...

Nicely done with the video post.

Well, you know I mostly agree with you about everything. As an update, McCain has also been telling anyone with a TV camera that the President should use the Treasury's 1 trillion dollars to start paying off bad mortgages. Yes. That's a good solution. Give more power to a president who has already shown himself willing and able to abuse any and all power, executive or not, legal or not. Maybe McCain is just looking forward to abusing some executive power himself.
It bothers me that so many people are drinking the Palin-is-awesome Kool Aid, or the reverse, Palin-is-pitiable Kool Aid. I don't feel sorry for her. She walked right into this mess, all on her own, and as a feminist, I resent people either feeling sorry for her, or liking her just because she's cute and charming. My dog is cute and charming, yet somehow, not qualified to be vice president. Only in America do half the people want their leaders to be LESS intelligent than they are (see, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081001/ap_on_el_pr/palin_joe_six_pack_1).

Kristina said...

You need more diversions. I know you love the CBC and The Daily Show. You should post those under diversions. Don't you like other things? Post them too, and then visit them and comment on them. People love being referenced. It speaks to our most basic egotistical needs (and I speak as one who has already been linked by you).

Anonymous said...

Heh, sorry I have to bring my far right wing opinions into this fray.

The vp debate, I hate to point out, was by many sources not of my own, a very overwhelming victory for Palin.

It's funny how alot of the main stream said, in regards to the debate, that "Palin did okay...Biden gives performance of a lifetime"

Ugh...what? If that was a performance of a lifetime, then it is little wonder that the deomcratic party has repeatedly rejected his numerous bids for the presidency.

Now don't look at me to sing the praises of McCain because I won't. But I will be singing Palin praises because she is, out of all the big 4 the only one who is suitable to serve as VP or President.

It's not experience I'm looking at, it's principles...and quite frankly balls. I've been wondering where the balls in this president election have been and I found them on the only woman in the entire presidential race. So...yeah.

It's really too bad that she had to stick to McCains campaign ticket cause if she had been able to speak her own mind and stand up for her own principles, she would have not only wiped the floor with Joe bidens bald head, but she would have also knocked Barrack off his feet and sent the campaign spiraling down the tube to oblivian. But to me, she was coming off weaker than she should've with all the McCain rhetoric and etc.

Incidentally, I think I should point out that this "change" Barrack is talking about and the "reform" McCain has been speaking of is the biggest load of crock I've ever heard. It's all political and really, neither candidate's records can back it up. Please keep in mind that it is the republicans and the deomcrats who have been running this nation pretty much since it's inception. It is also these parties who have taken it and thrown it into the MUD. The Patriot Act is but one of many resolutions that have been passed that have taken liberties away so far and beyond what has been done in the 2 centuries before Bush.

And if the deomcratic party is supposed to be the party of freedom, then why oh why have they not been campaigning hard against those bills such as the patriot act etc...And why oh why did they pass this bailout bill...which is the largest bill to ever pass through congress in recent history. Not only in dollar amount, but in literature as well. Hundreds of billions of dollars spread out over 451 pages...yeah, that really will help us out. *rolls eyes*

I said I was bringing my right wing views, and I am. Both presidential candidates and Joe Biden represent the very thing I hate about washington. Career politicians. There's only one person who would actually be suitable to be president and that's because she isn't a career politician. I'm glad she doesn't have any "washington experience" because she's more likely to shake things up and bring real change to the government than the other three. You know, some of the best presidents in U.S. history were not career politicians. But anyways, back to my views...I think our country is in a terrible state of affairs. Terrible when we believe that the only thing that can save our free market is the government. I think it's terrible when the government feels it is necessary to deploy it's own military forces as a secondary police force to potentially quell "demonstrations".


I also think it's a terrible thing when we get so used to paying taxes that we bat an eye at paying even 25% of our income when our founding fathers threw tea into the boston harbor for being charged less than half that amount on TEA. I can only imagine what they would've done if it had been a tax on their income. They probably would've gone out and killed anyone british.

So let me just remind those who are inclined to vote for anyone who even considers raising taxes of any kind that our founding fathers founded this country with the express purpose of NOT paying taxes to any government at all. And the biggest threat to those principles is the biggest manchurian candidate in US history, the one Barrack Obama.

My solution?

Vote for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party. It's unfortunate that Ron Paul was politically assassinated by the left and right wings of the media, but at least Chuck Baldwin made it onto a party nominee and is now on the ticket. Say what you want about Ron Paul, but he at least stood up for the beliefs of our founding father and the constitution, and that's alot more impressive than the so called "change and reform" that our republican and democratic nominees have stood up for. Of course, if they would just stick to one position, it might be easier to credit them for a position.


I didn't mean to write so much, but I didn't say nearly enough. Also, it might have been a little inaccurate due to the current mental state of exhaustion. But I dare you to go against the key points there. :P

Anonymous said...

okay DJ, it's 3:30 in the morning, so i'll try to make this quick.

which of our greatest presidents was not a career politician? Adams? Jefferson? Lincoln? either Roosevelt? Truman? Kennedy? Reagan? all of them were "career politicians." by the way, Sarah Palin is also a career politician. she has made a career out of politics - as a mayor and a governor, and now a vp candidate. she's no less of a politician than any of the others. contrary to popular belief, politics in washington aren't much different from politics in wasilla, alaska.

palin set expectations of herself so low that merely showing up on stage was going to be considered a win. nearly all polls taken immediately after the debate showed that while viewers thought she handled herself well, (which is a ridiculous thing to say) biden had better command of the issues and made more persuasive arguments, calling him the debate winner. it's wasn't a performance of a lifetime, just a good one. turn off sean hannity, michelle malkin and michael savage for a few days.

i can't tell you how disappointing it is to hear you say that palin is the only one of the four qualified to be president. what is it that you believe qualifies her? voting for the billions in earmarks, before voting against them? her ability to "reform" alaska by requesting billions of dollars from the federal government? taking six years and five schools to complete a bachelor's degree in communications? the inability to use that communications degree to string together a coherent sentence of properly pronounced words in an interview or a debate? perhaps her phony attempts at "folksy charm?" come on. aren't you tired of being embarrassed by your president? i'm an intelligent, educated man. the idea that the republican party would offer sarah palin as qualified to run this country is insulting to both of us and embarrassing to them.

i'm a little confused by your inclusion of the patriot act in your comment. of course the patriot act is a terrible piece of legislation. everybody in congress without an (r) behind their name knows it. some of them have even been trying to repair the damage. but obama didn't vote for the patriot act. mccain did. and i haven't heard governor palin articulate a position other than support for it. if elected vice president, or if she somehow ends up as president - god forbid - she wouldn't do anything to change or abolish the act. palin believes the president and vice president positions are not powerful enough, she said as much during the debate when she indicated she would go further than dick cheney in expanding the roll of the executive branch. if you oppose the expansion of government power, sarah palin is not your candidate.

it's now 4:13, and explaining the financial meltdown and bailout bill will take more time than i can put in right now. but please don't buy into the myth that the unregulated free market will solve all of mankind's problems. in the 232 years since adam smith first postulated the idea, it has yet to work - and not for lack of trying. the free market is a good thing. so is a certain level of regulation.

the country is not in a terrible state. of course it has problems - big ones, but it is one of the most highly functional and best places to live in the world. zimbabwe is in a terrible state. read up on them for a few laughs.

if the founding fathers founded this country with the express purpose of not paying taxes to any government, why does the constitution give congress the power to level duties and collect taxes? nobody likes to pay taxes. but taxes aren't evil. the interstate highway system which you use to get to work every day is a result of taxation. the military that protects the borders of this country is a result of taxation. we can debate how much we should pay, but let's not go down the "taxes are the devil" road.

the founding fathers were not gods. they did not create a perfect country or a perfect document. the original constitution did not provide protection to any ethnic minority, allowed for the practice of slavery and denied women, minorities, anyone not a white male landowner the right to vote. you're not suggesting we should revert to that constitution, are you? they gave us a process by which to amend it and left it intentionally vague so that when we came across something that they didn't anticipate or needed to be changed, we could change it. don't get stuck thinking that the only way this country can be great is if we ignore the past 232 years of progress.

Kristina said...

I don't know how much money you're making over there in TX, but for Mark and me, at least, Obama's tax plan would give us LESS tax liability. You too, I'm guessing. Did you know that?

Boon, I love you. Please please please, vote for Chuck Baldwin. Or Ron Paul (technically, still in the race). Little would make me happier :)

Anonymous said...

Heh, actually...I'm planning on moving to my own private island.

Seriously, it doesn't matter anymore who becomes president in November. The voice of the people no longer matters to those in congress. As evidenced by this ridiculous 800 billion dollar spending bill which uses money practically created out of nothing.

I don't know if you've ever heard of this guy, but go to halturnershow.blogspot.com and read his Amero article.

You don't have to believe him or me about what's coming. You can see what's happening for yourself with this bailout deal. And with the fact that the GAO hsa said that the United States can no longer service its debt beyond 2009.

Hmmmm...once again, our controlled media does nothing in the way of investigation into any of this. *sigh* Again I stress it doesn't matter who's elected if we even get to those elections. The same thing will happen no matter what. The dollar will collapse, the government will declare martial law. Supermarkets and gas stations will be shut down. The Amero will come in to circulation and Americans will be forced to use their worthless dollars to buy the Ameros for pennies on the dollar. The NAU will, like the EU, then take over and the borders between canada mexico and the US will be dissolved.

Ever wonder why congress has done practically nothing to stop illegal immigration from Mexico and Canada? Heh...why would they do anything about it when they plan on dissolving the borders anyways. And if you don't blieve me on the NAU, just google it and you can find alot of information on it.

Hell, even CNN reported on it once before being told to shut up of course.

Democracy is no more. There is no freedom. Welcome to the New World Order. Incidentally, I feel I must rub this in. The kind of change that Barrack has been talking about is this change. The change from freedom to fascism.

If you need further evidence, then I will point to the prophecies found in the Bible. No specific one, just in general. We've known the end of the world was coming. Do you really think that the principles of the USA will survive during the time of Jacob's trouble?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't say this in the post above.

The rock is about to shatter the statue of Nebuchadnezzer. We know we're in he toes of iron mixed with clay. And what, do you think we're really going to be on this planet another 100 years before the rock shatters the toes? Psh...

I'm just telling you so you can be prepared when the world around you collapses into oblivion. Nothing and nobody, not even Barrack will be able to save you from the calamity that is to come. If he even gave a damn about you in the first place.

And forget what I said about Palin. After reading fact checker, I realized that pretty much everything that Biden and Palin were saying was false. Hell, Palin refused to answer some questions. And Biden of course slicked out of a few questions.

Angela said...

Good mercy. There is too much brain matter in this commentary thread.

Just thought I'd put something into it so I can say that I hung out with the smart kids.