
Post Prime

Welcome to Wish I Was Taller. The little corner of the weeb where I blather about things that sometimes interest me and nobody listens nor cares. I'm new to this blogging thing, and frankly, I think it's a little silly. But I'm told it's at least ten times better than talking to one's self, so I'm going to give it a try. I'm not sure how often I'm supposed to update this thing. I understand that some bloggers update everyday, but I'm guessing those people don't have jobs or lives, or better yet, actually get paid to tell people what they think. So I'm going to shoot for updating twice and week and see how it goes. I would start now, but it's now 3:00 am, and if there's one thing I learned during five years of all-nighters in architecture school, nothing good happens at three in the morning. So look for something later this week. I'm sure someone, somewhere will do something to draw my ire. Probably before Tuesday.

1 comment:

Mark said...

let the rage begin.