
No Strenuous Activity For You... Two Weeks!

Surgery is over, and on doctor's orders I am attempting to remain as immobile as possible. It's really not that difficult.

So, as I was watching the Montreal Canadiens drub the Philadelphia Flyers, I came across this very interesting debt reduction exercise via one of my favorite blogs. It is a calculator created by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in which you can select from a variety of different spending cuts and revenue increases to reduce the Federal debt to a manageable 60% of GDP by 2018 (from a projected 85% of GDP). Too many people think they can magically eliminate the debt by simply regurgitating tired political mantras. This exercise is a fair example of how complicated debt reduction actually is, and how many difficult choices will need to be made. I recommend everyone give this a try and let me know how you did.


Kristina said...

You didn't actually include the link silly billy.

Jenn Cook said...

I thought his name was Shaun, not Billy!

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